Meals For Mutts Tripe Powder 180g

$29.00 available on subscription

Green Tripe Powder is the nutrient rich stomach lining of a lamb.

SKU: NS9146 Categories: , , , , ,

Green Tripe Powder (meal topper) is finally here!

MfMs Green Tripe Powder is the nutrient rich stomach lining of a lamb.

MfMs Green Tripe Powder is high in protein, also has 7 amino acids, which perform essential functions in your pets body, including building muscle and enhancing all system functioning from immune response to tissue repair to urinary tract health.

MfMs Green Tripe Powder has a nearly perfect calcium to phosphorus ratio, as well as an optimal ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids, making it nutritionally balanced.

MfMs Green Tripe Powder is also acidic in pH, making it easier for your pet to digest perfect for sensitive stomachs.
MfMs Green Tripe Powder is high in heart-healthy unsaturated fats, These fats provide quality, long-term energy and increase healthy HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol.

What benefits does MfMs Green Tripe Powder provide:

Offers a boost to the immune system Amazing palatability thats great for picky eaters

Digestive improvement
Beautiful skin and coat condition
Improved eating habits
Rejuvenation of older dogs and cats.

Amazing source of nutrition for all dogs and cats.

Weight 0.215 kg
Dimensions 6.5 × 6.5 × 10.5 cm